Baker Skateboards was a very monumental injection into the world of skateboard near the turn of the century. Without it we may of been faced with severe bordem and mediocrity. If Andrew Reynolds and Jay Strickland never decided to release the Baker Bootleg skate video, skateboarding would be in dire straights today.
Around the year 2000 Andrew Reynolds was skating for Birdhouse Skateboards. He wasn’t into the kiddie style atmosphere the brand had. Being Tony Hawk’s company Birdhouse had to cater to a younger audience and therefore couldn’t release board graphics, videos and advertisements that were considered too risk-ay. Slightly disgruntled, Andrew set off to start his own skateboard company that was based on his vision of what a brand should be.
The first debut video for the brand was Baker 2G. This video starred Reynolds, Jim Greco, Mike Maldonado, Terry Kennedy, Evan Hernandez and a few others I can’t think of at this moment. This video really set the tone and image of the company from that point forward.
Company Website: bakerskateboards.com
Instagram: @bakerskateboards
Baker Skateboards for 2014:
Troggs dollin 8.125 x 32.25, Troggs figgy 8.25 x 31.825, Troggs nuge 8.38 x 32, Logo figgy 8.38 x 32, Logo hawk 8.0 x 31.75, 8.475 x 31.875, Logo herman 8.0 x 31.75
Reaper hawk 8.38 x 32, Bomber hawk 8.0 x 32, Bomber kennedy 8.125 x 32.25, Bomber reynolds 8.0 x 31.75, Bomber theotis 7,875 x 31, Troggs baca 8.0 x 31.75
Logo reynolds 8.125 x 32.25, Logo theotis 8.25 x 31.875, Candy theotis 8.25 x 31.875, Reynolds ATL toxic cloud orange/blue 8.25 x 31.875, Brand Logo black/purple 8.25 x 31.875 , Brand Logo ice blue 7.75 x 31
Brand Logo toxic cloud blue 8.125 x 32.25, 8.475 x 31.875, Reset Logo black silver 8.0 x 31.75, Reset logo blue/gold 7.875 x 31, Stacked tie-dye black/red 8.25 x 31.875, Stacked tie-dye rasta 8.125 x 32.875, Reset Stacked black/teal/pink 8.38 x 32
Regans’s Logo orange/green/purple 8.0 x 31.75
2015 Team:
- Andrew Reynolds
- Dustin Dollin
- Bryan Herman
- Terry Kennedy
- Sammy Baca
- Don ‘Nuge’ Nguyen
- Theotis Beasley
- Justin “Figgy” Figueroa
- Riley Hawk
- Dee Ostrander
- Cyril Jackson
Boards for 2015 (until now):
Mike Gigliotti Set of 5 Decks
Geometry Set of 3 Decks
Nasty Neck Face Set of 5 Decks