Anti-Hero Skateboards Decks for 2014
Grant Taylor Short Fuse 8.43″ x 32.57″, Gerwer The Dripper in White 8.06″ x 32″, Gerwer The Dripper in Blue (large) 8.25″ x 32″
Industry Animals Team Decks in 3 sizes: 8.06″ x 32″, 8.25″ x 32″ and 9.96″ x 33.37″
Leap of Faith Decks: Grant Taylor 8.5″ x 32.18″, Julien Stranger 8.12″ x 31.25″ and Chris Pfanner 8.25″ x 32″
Miracle of Life Decks: Grant Taylor 8.25″ x 32.0″, Chris Pfanner 8.06″ x 32.0″, John Cardiel
8.5″ x 32.18″ and Andrew Allen 8.12″ x 31.25″
Patridiot Boards (each board comes with a free bumper sticker): Trujillo 8.18″ x 31.84″, Miorana 8.38″ x 32.56″ and Hewitt 8.62″ x 32.56″
Allen Yogi-Stamp 8.28″ x 32″ and Cardiel Stain Eagle 8.4″ x 32″ and 9.2″ x 31.7″