A Time To Shine



Transworld puts out some of the best skateboard videos. Actually their consistency is really on par. I think every video they have ever put out has been a really good production.

Year Released:


Apparently A Time To Shine is one of their greatest flicks. I have only had the pleasure of watching it once, and I was half distracted when I watched it. I remember it being pretty good.

This quote summarizes the style of this video:

“Sometimes it’s better to see something new than to see something worn out. Maybe it’s a new spot and it’s an easy trick – but it looks good. And you can tell that person had fun skating it. -Cooper Wilt”

I would say around 2004 there was a movement in skateboarding to focus on style, creativity, and new spots instead of trying to out-do the last guy on the Hollywood 16. This video definitely captures that era in street skateboarding.

Chris Roberts had a decent part. Dylan Reider’s part was pretty good too – fast. powerful and smooth. This video has a lot of bankage and tranny, but it’s mind blowing.

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