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Rodney Mullen remembers seeing Jim Greco for the first time, I guess in 1991. Rodney says that Jim Greco was a super tech kid back then. I find that hard to believe but then again that was a long time ago. Rodney thought Jim Greco was a rocket scientist.
What? This article must be bullshit. On the next page, Jim Greco says that when they filmed the video Asian Goddess, he took a huge crap in a schoolyard and made Jeremy Klein look at it. Huh. Jim Greco sounds like the type of kids I grew up with. I had this one friend Brad would take monster size craps and then throw it at you. He would take them in schoolyards too. Most of the time the turds would land on windows and doors of classrooms. I think the image of defication on a class room door made me laugh for hours back then.
Jim Greco – Deathwish remix.
A remix of the already epic Deathwish part
This picture of Jim Greco is quite disturbing. It looks like Greco had a really rough night when they took this picture. Anyway, I saw Baker 3 and Jim Greco does a switch frontside flip down the Wilshire 15. I guess the only break you get doing a switch frontside flip is that you land in your regular stance. I still like Jim Greco’s part in Baker 2G better. It’s not because of the tricks. It’s because of the music and how Jim Greco get’s in a zone on the other Wilshire rail. He totally kills that rail and he Greco is so focused during that part.
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